Lately,Bey’s been talking a whole lot about dropping some babies with Hov. We knew it would happen sooner rather than later. Pop the top for more baby talk and pics
Now you’re on tour, you must have no time to have a normal life…
Oh, I do. And I’m fortunate to have my family with me. I can get lonely going to these foreign places, but when I see my family it doesn’t seem so bad because they are my home. And we get on really well. My mother Tina and I work really well together [on their House of Deréon fashion designs]. Now my father Mathew [her manager], on the other hand, we disagree a lot more [laughs]. But it’s usually business.
Do you drag Jay-Z around as well?
I don’t have to drag him! He comes willingly. And I go willingly. He’s part of the family posse, of course. I definitely make time for my life, it’s the most important thing. The music and all that is very important, but I have to have inspiration.
Do you have any regrets?
There were certain moments when I was 18 and I’d look out of the window to see girls going to parties with their boyfriends and think, ‘How am I ever going to meet anybody?’ I couldn’t just go on a date, and nobody was going to ask me out. I was working too hard and not exposed to people my own age. But now I’m in such a great place and I’m happy that I’ve found the person I’ve found. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
What can we expect from you later this year – baby Beyoncés maybe?
Well, I’m an ambitious woman, and when I do anything, I do it really hard. If I work out, I work out really hard, if I love somebody, I love them all the way. I’m very loyal. I want a whole bunch of kids – but after I’ve got certain things out of my system first.
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