Thursday, December 18, 2008

Games:Sock and Awe-Hit Bush with shoes as many times you want

We all know by now that last Sunday when president George W.Bush made his last visit in Iraq and was participating in a press-briefing, a very brave Iraqi reporter, Muntadar Al Zaidi, threw his shows targeting president Bush. It was really unbelievable to see how swiftly president Bush moved his head to escape that hit. But it was only a matter of time when this very notorious George Bush show-throwing occurrence has influenced and inspired an internet game where the player throws a shoe at a moving target of George W.Bush.

Although the brave Iraqi reporter might have missed his target but with this new game if you want to throw a virtual shoe to the virtual Bush then you can play this very funny shoe-throwing game on the internet at

The US symbolic name for the mission of uprooting Saddam Hussein from Iraq was 'shock and awe'.So mocking that mission this game has been named "Sock and Awe".This game allows the players to hit bush with a brown colored shoe as many times possible in 30 seconds.The game gives a running total of shoes to have hit Bush in the face -there were 42466570 successful hits at the time of writing this article.I hit 8 times myself and really enjoyed it a lot.So if you want to throw some shoes to you infamous president then I would say this is your best chance, so go for it.


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