Life is not guaranteed because we have to face many difficulties relating to our health as we come across it. After an operation we are provided with pathedin in order to stop the feeling of pain. But sometimes patients vomit owing to the side-effect of pathedin.The paralyzing drugs may also be the cause of feeling nausea. At that time anti-nausea drugs are given.
Recently in a research it is found that 1gram ginger is much more effective on preventing the feeling of nausea & the feeling of dizziness. Ginger is being used from long period in Chinese & Indian herbal medicines. It can be found anywhere and comparably it is also cheaper. Journal of abstratrics & gini of America has considered ginger as an alternative medicine especially for poor countries. It is also found that ginger is very useful for our digestive tract. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory. So arthritic pain can be cured by eating ginger.
According to the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COMOREHENSIVE CANCER CENTER, in research it is seen that ginger has momentous medicinal properties. It can also help cholesterol in our body & can also prevent clotting of blood. Other researches indicate that the components present in ginger might have anti-cancer activity and not only that ginger also a potential blood thinning agent. According to the doctors, ginger should not be eaten in pregnancy. So if you are under other medications, then ask your doctor before taking ginger.
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