Thursday, October 23, 2008

Politics: Al Qaeda wants to see McCain as the next USA President

In the Al-Hesbah website, the Al-Qaeda leaders and it supporters have urged for another terrorist attack on USA before the November election. This is because they want to see John McCain as the next USA President so they can become successful in their plans of destroying both the USA military and its economy. The Al-Qaeda leaders feel that McCain would be the person who would continue the ongoing war on Iraq and Afghanistan, and so he would be the perfect man for whom they are waiting, as McCain promised to continue the war against terrorism until the last American soldier is dead, which he stated in his presidential campaign.

This is the reason why the Al-Qaeda wants McCain to win the election and become the president, so he can keep the failed process going just like the Bush Administration, resulting in bad economy and destroyed military. They think that if a terrorist attack is made before the November election then obviously the votes will move towards McCain and people will think that he would be the right person to take revenge for this action, but the fact is, this is what the Al-Qaeda wants and this would allow and make their plan more strong and successful.


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