Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Health: Your teeth should be healthy

For a lovely smile, bright and white teeth are indispensable. Only brushing your teeth regularly is not going to give you a good smile, besides you also need to take healthy food. In order to retain healthy teeth and its inborn beauty, it is significant to take well selected healthy foods.

To keep the bone strong and stiff, the intake of calcium and vitamin “D” is absolutely necessary and if required, skimmed or low-fat food could also be taken. Vitamin ‘B’ based foods like cereal grains and bread is very important and necessary for a healthy body and teeth. Being full of iron, these foods also aids in our blood nutrition. Various types of vitamin ‘C’ based fruits and vegetables like orange, lemon, and deep green vegetables also play a great part in retaining a well protected gum and healthy teeth.

Fish, fatless chicken and red meat supplies protein and iron that helps in the nutrition and growth of each part of the body including the teeth. The presence of magnesium and zinc in foods like nuts and beans ensures a much stronger bone and teeth. After taking sugary foods, sweets, chocolates, candies, chewing gum, and soft drinks it is strongly advised that you keep your teeth clean. The deposit of sugar in the teeth produces dental plaque that produces acid which destroys the enamel of your teeth.

So if you want to keep your teeth strong and healthy, then make a regular practice of eating nuts and fruits, and drinking sugarless fresh juices.


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